[Chesnutt: the Road to Latin (1933)]
Dux bellum amat. Libenter dux armātōs ad bellum dūcit. Vīta
ducis perīculōrum est plēna; sed ducis virtus est magna. Ducī patria est cāra.
Saepe patria ducem vocat; tum ā duce armātī ad bellum dūcuntur. Erant apud
Rōmānōs multī et clārī ducēs. Statuae ducum clārōrum in forō Rōmānō vidēbantur.
Bellum ducibus Rōmānīs erat semper grātum quod spolia erant multa. Nōs ducēs
Rōmānōs laudāmus et fābulās dē ducibus legimus. Mīles bellum amat. Virtūs
mīlitis est magna. Victōria mīlitī est grāta; itaque prō patriā dīligenter
pugnat. Pāx quoque mīlitem dēlectat et ā mīlite laudāntur. Apud Rōmānōs erant
multī et clārī mīlitēs. Victōriae mīlitum Rōmānōrum erant multae. Saepe magnī
triumphī agēbantur. Triumphī et ducibus et mīlitibus erant grātī. Populus
Rōmānus mīlitēs laudābat quod multa spolia ā ducibus mīlitibusque Rōmam
portābantur. Lēx antīqua erant: victōrī sunt spolia.
Auctōritās Rōmāna erat magna quod Rōma tot mīlitēs habēbat.
Mīlitēs erant peditēs et equitēs. Eques equum habēbat et ab equō pugnābat.
Pedes equum nōn habēbat; pedibus pugnābat. Equitēs proelium committēbant sed
peditēs pīlīs et gladiīs proelium gerēbant. Arma peditis erant lōrīca, galea,
scutum, gladius. In sinistrā scūtum, in dextrā pīlum portābantur. Interdum
mīlitēs Rōmānī oppidum oppugnābant, et magnī lapidēs in mūrōs oppidī
mittēbantur. Virtūs mīlitum Rōmānōrum erant magna. Ā rēgibus et prīncipibus multārum
terrārum Rōmānī timēbantur quod fāma mīlitum Rōmānōrum erat magna. Līberī rēgum
et prīncipum saepe erant obsidēs Rōmānōrum et Rōmam dūcēbantur. Multā fābulās
dē obsidibus Rōmānōrum legimus.
[1] This time, all I’ll do is give the nominative singular
of the 3rd declension nouns. What would the genitive singular be? That’s what
you need to form the stem for all the other endings. All you have to do is look
through the two short texts and you will see the stem change, for example:
rēx > then look for another form of that word where the
stem change is showing (rēg¦ibus) and add -is to the stem: > rēg¦is
dux, du __ is [3/m]: leader
pēs, pe __ is [3/m]: foot
lapis, lap__ __ is [3/m]: stone
obses, obs __ __ is [3/m]: hostage
eques, __________ [3/m]: horseman
mīles, __________ [3/m]: soldier
pedes, __________ [3/m]: foot soldier
prīnceps, __________ [3/m]: chief
[2] Other vocabulary
lōrīca, -ae [1/f]: corselet; armour
pīlum, -ī [2/n]: javelin; spear
tot: so many
[3] Which words go where? Look at the extracts from the text
and fill in the blanks with the words listed.
about; by; commander; commanders; have; led; on foot; read;
seen; soldiers; to; used; were
1. Tum ā duce armātī ad bellum dūcuntur.
Then armed men are __________ to war by the __________.
2. Statuae ducum clārōrum in forō Rōmānō vidēbantur.
The statues of famous __________ were __________ in the
Roman forum.
3. Multa spolia ā ducibus mīlitibusque Rōmam portābantur.
Many spoils __________ carried __________ the commanders and
the __________ to Rome.
4. Nōs … fābulās dē ducibus legimus.
We __________ tales __________ the commanders.
5. Victōrī sunt spolia.
Spoils __________ the victor.
6. Pedes equum nōn habēbat; pedibus pugnābat.
The foot soldier did not __________ a horse; he __________
to fight __________.
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