Friday, April 26, 2024

05.04.24: future tense [2] simple practice for 1st / 2nd conjugation verbs

Give the English for the following future tense verbs:

aedificō, aedificāre [1]: build

ambulō, ambulāre [1]: walk

amō, amāre [1]: love

cantō, cantāre [1]: sing

vīsitō, vīsitāre [1]: go to see; visit

dēbeō, dēbēre [2]: have to; must

maneō, manēre [2]: stay

portō, portāre [2]: carry

respondeō, respondēre [2]: reply

rīdeō, rīdēre [2]: laugh

timeō, timēre [2]: fear

videō, vidēre [2]: see

1. aedificābunt

2. amābō

3. ambulābis

4. cantābimus

5. dēbēbō

6. manēbimus

7. portābit

8. respondēbis

9. rīdēbitis

10. timēbunt

11. vidēbit

12. vīsitābitis



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