The future tense (I shall, you will etc. do something) has two sets of endings in Latin depending upon the conjugation to which the verb belongs.
1st / 2nd conjugation
The future tense has the same stems as the present and
imperfect tense i.e. the -re of the infinitive is removed:
1st conjugation
labōrō, labōrā │ re [1]: work
> labōrā│-
2nd conjugation
videō, vidē │ re [2]: see
> vidē│-
Remember: / -bō- / -bi- / -bu- /
To this stem, the following endings are added, which
comprise a tense marker / -bō- / -bi- / -bu- /+ personal endings.
1 stem vowel [ā / ē] + bō
2 stem vowel + bis
3 stem vowel + bit
1 stem vowel + bimus
2 stem vowel + bitis
3 stem vowel + bunt
Here are both verbs in full with the stress [ʹ] indicated;
the stress is always on the stem vowel
first conjugation
labōrā́bō [la-bo-RA-bo]: I shall work
labōrā́bis: you (sg.) will work
labōrā́bit: he / she / it will work
labōrā́bĭmus [la-bo-RA-bi-mus]: we will work
labōrā́bĭtis [la-bo-RA-bi-tis]: you (pl.) will work
labōrā́bunt: they will work
second conjugation
vidḗbō [vi-DE-bo]: I shall see
vidḗbis: you (sg.) will see
vidḗbit: he / she / it will see
vidḗbĭmus [vi-DE-bi-mus]: we will see
vidḗbĭtis [vi-DE-bi-tis]: you (pl.) will see
vidḗbunt: they will see
Some simple examples:
Optimum cibum parābō. │ I shall prepare excellent food.
Ego istuc cūrābō (Plautus). │ I’ll attend to that.
Pultābō forīs (Plautus). │ I’ll knock at the door.
Amābō tē*, cūrā fīlium meum. │ Please, take care of my son.
*amābō tē: literally means ‘I shall love you’, but it
can also be used to express ‘please’; the same idea is conveyed by amābō alone
or by quaesō.
Quid vidēbis? │ What will you see?
Crās pugnābunt gladiātōrēs. │ The gladiators will fight
Ille pauper satis pecūniae nōn habēbit. │ That poor man will
not have enough money.
Ubi habitābit? │ Where will he live?
Valēbitne cīvitās post hoc bellum? │ Will the state be
strong after this war?
Quis eum adiuvābit? │ Who will help him?
Nūllam spem habēbimus. │ We’ll have no hope.
Quandō cēnābimus? │ When shall we dine?
Manēbitisne in fīdē? │ Will you remain loyal?
Quem vidēbunt? │ Whom will they see?
Quō nāvigābunt nautae? │ Where will the sailors sail to?
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