Thursday, October 3, 2024

06.12.24; level 1; topic; school [2]: colloquium

frāter et sorōrcula

S: Quid hodiē nārrāvit magister in scholā?

F: Nārrāvit dē Īcarō, Daedalī fīliō.

S: Mihi quoque dē Īcarō Latīnē nārrā. Fuitne Īcarus puer malus ?

F: Minimē malus sed miserrimus. Habēbat ālās; ālās cērā, aptāverat Daedalus; Īcarus ēvolāvit et cēra sōle liquefacta est. Tum. . .

S: Tum . . . quid?

F: Mihi nōn sunt verba Latīna. Itaque haesitō.

S: Ergō nārrā Anglicē. Nam linguam Anglicam intellegō.

F: Minimē. Latīnē tibi nārrō, nōn Anglicē.


  1. Was Icarus a bad boy?
  2. What did he have?
  3. How had Daedalus fastened these?
  4. What did Icarus do and how did the sun affect him?
  5. The boy doesn’t say what happened to Icarus after that. Do you know?

[2] Find the Latin:

  • What did the teacher talk about / tell (you) about?
  • He talked / told (us) about …
  • I don’t have the Latin words
  • I understand the English language
  • I will tell you in Latin
  • Tell me in English
  • Tell me in Latin


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