frāter et sorōrcula
S: Quid hodiē nārrāvit magister in scholā?
F: Nārrāvit dē Īcarō, Daedalī fīliō.
S: Mihi quoque dē Īcarō Latīnē nārrā. Fuitne Īcarus puer
malus ?
F: Minimē malus sed miserrimus. Habēbat ālās; ālās cērā,
aptāverat Daedalus; Īcarus ēvolāvit et cēra sōle liquefacta est. Tum. . .
S: Tum . . . quid?
F: Mihi nōn sunt verba Latīna. Itaque haesitō.
S: Ergō nārrā Anglicē. Nam linguam Anglicam intellegō.
F: Minimē. Latīnē tibi nārrō, nōn Anglicē.
- Was Icarus a bad boy?
- What did he have?
- How had Daedalus fastened these?
- What did Icarus do and how did the sun affect him?
- The boy doesn’t say what happened to Icarus after that. Do you know?
[2] Find the Latin:
- What did the teacher talk about / tell (you) about?
- He talked / told (us) about …
- I don’t have the Latin words
- I understand the English language
- I will tell you in Latin
- Tell me in English
- Tell me in Latin
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