Thursday, October 3, 2024

08.12.24: degrees of comparison [19]; the superlative (6); translation practice [2]

[a] Complete the translations with the English word or phrase listed below.

Plūrimōs diēs huius annī nihil fēcimus. │ For [1] __________ days (of) this year we have done nothing.

Cūr quaeritis auxilium plūrimum dē servīs deī celerrimī? │ Why do you ask for [2] __________ assistance from the servants of the [3]  __________ god?

Optima legiō, quae oppida īnsulae servāverat, crēdidit imperātōrī. │ The [4]  __________ legion, which had saved the towns of the island, believed the emperor.

Maximumne est templum, quod umquam vīdistī? │ Is the temple the [5] __________ which you have ever seen?

Pessimīs impetibus cīvibus nūllus cibus erat. │ Because of the [6] __________ attacks the citizens had no food.

Versūs quam pulcherrimōs scrīpsit poēta clārissimus. │ The [7] __________ poet wrote verses (which were) [8] __________.

Prīnceps senātūs dēbet esse quam nōbilissimus. │ The leader of the senate ought to be [9] __________.

In caelō fulgente sōle, antrum est quam obscūrissimum. │ Though the sun shines in the sky, the cave is [10] __________.

Mel est semper dulcissimum cibōrum omnium, quī in vīllā sunt. │ Honey is always the [1] __________ foods, which are in the villa.

Vēnistis ad urbem maximam tōtīus orbis terrārum. │ You have come to the [12] __________ city of [ = in] the whole world.

as beautiful as possible; as dark as possible; as noble as possible; best; biggest; greatest; most famous; sweetest of all; swiftest; the most; very many; worst

[b] Complete the translations with the Latin word listed below. Note that most of these translate as “very + adjective” rather than “most + adjective”:

Haec est rēs [1] __________. │ This is a most serious matter.

Labor [2]  __________ erat. │ The work was very difficult.

[3] __________ erat librum legere. │ It was very easy to read the book.

Oppidum in [4] __________ monte situm est. │ The town is located on the highest mountain.

Sōcratēs vir [5] __________ et [6] __________ erat. │ Socrates was a very wise and most educated man.

Amīcī in caldārium intrant, in quō aquā [7] __________ est. │ The friends go into the caldarium, in which the water is hottest.          

[8] __________ ventus ab aquilōne cum [9] __________ nebulā, et cum [10] __________ pulvere. │ A very strong wind from the north with a very large amount of fog, and very thick dust.

altissimō; calidissima; dēnsissimō; difficillimus; doctissimus; facillimum; fortissimus; gravissima; maximā; sapientissimus

Latin tutorial: superlatives

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