Complete the translation with the word or phrase listed
Pulcherrima fīlia rēgis capiētur ab inimīcīs nautīs. │
The [1] __________ daughter of the king will be captured by enemy
Apud parentēs meōs bibam vīnum dulcissimum. │ At my
parentsʼ (house) I shall drink
the [2] __________ wine.
In silvā nēmō vīdit candidissimum celerrimumque
equum. │ In the forest no one saw the [3] __________ and [4] __________horse.
Agricola sēmina in terram firmissimam iēcit. │ The
farmer threw seeds into [5] __________ land.
Nōn possunt servī veterēs novissimō hominī placēre. │
The old slaves are not able to please the [6] __________ man.
Flēns puer in āram sacerrimam pōnētur. │ The weeping
boy will be placed onto the [7] __________ altar.
Nōn fīdimus huic, quī in monte altissimō habitat. │ We
do not trust this man, who lives on the [8] __________ mountain.
Timētisne mortem miserrimam? │ Do you fear a [9] __________
Vōcem tristissimam equitis audīvimus. │ We heard the [10] __________ voice of the cavalryman.
Ferissima animālia silvae possunt hominibus
fēminīsque illīus oppidī nocēre. │ [11] The __________ animals of the
forest are able to harm the men and women of that town.
Quid faciēs postquam tempestās fortissima vēnerit? │
What will you do after the [12] __________ storm has come [= will have
Nēmō est dignior quam is. Est dignissimus cīvis
Rōmae. │ No one is more worthy than him. He is the [13] __________
citizen of Rome.
Nōlī indulgēre fēlīcissimīs iūcundissimīsque
līberīs! │ Do not indulge the [14] __________ and [15] __________
Nēmō improbissimum scelus facit. │ No one does a [16]
__________ crime.
Agricola pecū ovium agente, nūbēs lentissimae in
caelō stetērunt. │ While the farmer was driving the flock of sheep, the [17] __________
clouds stood in the sky.
happiest; highest; most beautiful; most joyful; most radiant; most recent; most sacred; most worthy; most wretched; slowest; strongest; sweetest; very hard; very sad; very swift; very wicked; wildest
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