Thursday, October 3, 2024

04.12.24: level 2; degrees of comparison [16]; the superlative (3); translation of the superlative

In the same way as the comparative form, when no obvious comparison is being made can be translated by ‘rather + adjective’ or ‘too + adjective’ e.g. fortior: braver / rather brave / too brave, so too the superlative can be translated as ‘very + adjective’ if there is no apparent idea of comparison:

Rēgina pulcherrima est. │ The queen is the most beautiful. │ The queen is very beautiful.

English can use most to convey the idea of 'very' rather than a superlative: 

"That was a most interesting lecture" = a very / an extremely interesting lecture, as opposed to "That was the most interesting lecture (that I've ever been to)"

However, if it is clear that a superlative is being used, then the adjective can only be translated as a superlative. 

Pulcherrima omnium fēminārum soror tua est.  Your sister is the most beautiful of all women.

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