Thursday, October 3, 2024

09.12.24: Level 1; Maxey [18] (3)

Exercise [A] Complete the first part of the text with the correct forms of the words [a], [b] or [c]

[1] (i) Our │ (ii) commander │ gives advice │ (iii) to the commander │ (iv) of the allies.

(i) [a] dux [b] ducis [c] ducem │ (ii) [a] nostri [b] nostrum [c] noster │ (iii) [a] ducem [b] ducī [c] dux │ (iv) [a] sociōrum [b] sociī [c] sociīs │ consilium dat.

[2] He advises (i) the commander │ of the allies.

(i) [a] dux [b] ducis [c] ducem │ sociōrum │monet

[3]  (ii) Our │ (i) soldiers │ give help │ (iii) to the neighbours …

(i) [a] mīles [b] mīlitī [c] mīlitēs │ (ii) [a] nostri [b] nostrum [c] noster │ auxilium │ (iii) [a] fīnitimīs [b] finitimōs [c] finitimī │ dant …

[4]  …because (i) the neighbours │ don’t have large enough │ (ii) forces / troops.

… quod (i) [a] fīnitimīs [b] finitimōs [c] finitimī │ nōn satis magnās │(ii) [a] cōpiīs [b] cōpiās [c] cōpiae │ habent.

Exercise [B] Choose the correct translation of the sentences from the second part of the text

[1] Sī satis magnās cōpiās habent, nostrōs mīlitēs nōn vocant.

A.  They don’t call our soldiers because they have large enough troops.

B. If they have large enough troops, they don’t call our soldiers.

C. Even if they have large enough troops, they call our soldiers.

[2] Nōs nostrōs mīlitēs tūtōs esse cupimus

A. Our soldiers want to be safe

B. Our soldiers want us to be safe

C. We want our soldiers to be safe

[3] … sed mīlitēs sociōs nostrōs tūtōs esse cupiunt.

A. …but our allies want the soldiers to be safe

B. …but the soldiers want our allies to be safe

C. …but the soldiers and our allies want to be safe

Exercise [C] Here is the last section of the text. Complete the Latin using the translation and the words listed below:

[1] __________ ad sociōs eunt. [2] __________ nōn domum venient, [3] __________ nōn domum venient; [4] __________ venient sed nōn omnēs. Multī [5] __________ [6] __________ venient.

[1] This morning they go to the allies. [2] Tomorrow they will not come home, [3] on the following day they won’t come home; they’ll [4] soon come but not all of them. Many will [5] never come [6] again.

crās; iterum; māne hodiē; mox; numquam; posterō diē

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