Thursday, October 3, 2024

06.12.24: Level 1; Maxey [18] (2)

Spectāmus et subitō multōs mīlitēs vidēmus. Multī aliī virī trāns viās et ante aedificia currunt quod hōs mīlitēs vidēre cupiunt. Mīlitēs arma et tēla habent. Galeās, gladiōs habent; scūta, pīla, arcūs, sagittās nōn habent. Patria nostra in bellō nōn pugnat, sed fīnitimī nostrī pugnant et nōs sumus sociī. Cum fīnitimī auxilium rogant necesse est īre. Mīlitēs nostrī īre dēbent quod sunt sociī fīnitimōrum. Omnēs mīlitēs nostrī fortiter pugnant et sunt parātī morīrī sī necesse est.

[1] In which order are the following first referred to

asking for help

being allies

fighting bravely

men running across the streets

neighbouring country at war

own country not at war

ready to die

suddenly seeing many soldiers

the soldiers must go

wanting to see soldiers


[2] Which of the following do the soldiers have and not have?







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