Thursday, October 3, 2024

09.12.24; level 1; topic; school [3]; languages

see also:

 [i] 06.09.24: George Adler’s questions on languages

[ii] 06.09.24: More from George Adler’s questions on language

[iii] 06.09.24: Follow-up on the previous post [3]; reading and talking about languages

lingua, -ae [1/f]: language

lingua Latīna: the Latin language

ars, artis [3/f] grammatica: grammar

intellegō, -ere, intellēxī [3]: understand

  • linguam Anglicam intellegō. │ I understand the English language.

operam dō, dare, dedi [1]: to give attention to

  • Linguae [dative] Latīnae operam dō. │ Literally: I give attention to the Latin language i.e. I focus on it; it’s a special interest for me

studeō, -ēre, -uī [2]: be devoted to; dedicate oneself to; study

  • Linguae [dative] Francogallicae studeō. │ CL: I dedicate myself to the French language > Mediaeval / Late Latin: I study the French language

ediscō, ediscere, edidicī [3] │ memorise; learn by heart

  • Vocabula Latīna edidicī. │ I memorised Latin vocabulary.
  • Nonnullōs versūs Catullī edidicī. │ I learned a few verses of Catullus by heart.

Narrā mihi Anglicē. │ Tell me in English.

Discisne Latīnē? │ Are you learning Latin? [literally: in Latin]

Legisne Latīnē facile? │ Do you read (in) Latin easily?

Intellegisne Latīne? │ Do you understand Latin?

Scīsne Latīnē loquī? │ Do you know how to speak (in) Latin?

Potesne Latīnē scrībere? │ Can you write in Latin?

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