Thursday, October 3, 2024

03.12.24: Level 1; school [1]; Quid in scholā discis?

discō, discere, didicī [3]: learn

  • Quid in lūdō / scholā discis? │ What do you learn in school?

Mathēmaticam discō. │ I learn mathematics.

  • Quid in scholā hodiē discēbās? │ What were you learning in school today?

Geōgraphiam Āfricae discēbam. │ I was learning the geography of Africa.

  • Quid in scholā heri didicistī? │ What did you learn in school yesterday?

Latīnē loquī didicī. │ I learned to speak Latin.

  • Quid crās discēs? │ What will you learn tomorrow?

bellō Gallicō discam. │ I will learn about the Gallic War.

mathēmatica, ae [1/f]: mathematics

algebra, -ae [1/f]: algebra

arithmētica, -ae [1/f]: arithmetic

geōmetria, -ae [1/f]: geometry

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