Monday, May 6, 2024

03.05.24: review; birthday plans [3] notes: adverbs

There are many common adverbs in the video.

autem: however; this adverb often appears as the second word of a sentence and can equally be translated as ‘but’:

Nunc autem iam nōn possum invenīre satis temporis. │ Now, however, I can no longer find enough time = But I can no longer …

bene: well

cito : quickly

cotīdiē : daily; every day

deinde : then

etiam : also; even

ferē: about; almost

heri: yesterday

hodiē: to day

iam: already; now

iam nōn: no longer

igitur: therefore

illīc: over there

interdum : sometimes

iterum: again

mox: soon

multum: a lot

nunc: now

prīmum: (at) first

saltem: at least

valdē: very much; exceedingly

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