Monday, May 6, 2024

02.05.24: review; birthday plans [1] transcript, translation, vocabulary

This is the first part of a series of posts based on the video.

Vincent’s videos are a great resource for review; he uses vocabulary and many constructions that have been covered in earlier posts. And he speaks Latin in a very natural manner.

I will deal with the video in three stages; this is the first stage

[i] transcript / translation / vocabulary; in the video he does use a couple of constructions that are more advanced and so, I will mark them in italics but will not deal with them in any depth at this stage either in this post or the next ones.

1. Tempus fugit. │Time flies.

2. Salvēte, Vincentius loquor. │ Hello, this is Vincent speaking. [lit: I, Vincent, am speaking.]

3. Soleō facere pelliculās in cubiculō meō. │I usually make movies in my bedroom. [lit: I’m in the habit of making …]

4. Sed nunc in culīnā sum. │But now I’m in the kichen.

5. Et vidētur frāter meus illīc. │ And you can see my brother over there. [lit: my brother is seen …]

6. In umbrā cēnat. │He’s having dinner in the dark [lit: shadow]

7. Est diēs duodētrīcēsimus mēnsis Maiī. │It’s the 28th of May.

8. Et hodiē mihi in mentem vēnit huius reī. │ And today this thought came into my mind.

9. Mox erō duodētrīgintā annōs nātus. │I shall soon be 28 years old. [lit: I shall have been born for 28 years.]

10. Tempus tam cito fugit. │Time flies so quickly.

11. Nōlō fierī senior. │I don’t want to get older.

12. Sed nōn possum hoc vītāre. │ But I can’t avoid this.

13. Tempus nōn possum sistere. │I can’t stop time.

14. Quid dēbeō facere igitur? │ What, therefore, must I do?

15. Oportet bene ūtī tempore. │I have to use (my) time well.

16. Praeteritō annō coepī currere. │Last year I started running.

17. Et currēbam multum. │And I used to run a lot.

18. Cotīdiē, ferē cotīdiē. │Every day, almost every day.

19. Nunc autem iam nōn possum invenīre satis temporis. │But now I can no longer find enough time.

20. Sed etiam faciō aliās rēs quae necessāriae sunt. │But I also do other things which are necessary.

21. Quantum fierī potest … │ As much as possible …

22. … cōnor exercēre mē in studiīs et etiam in lūdīs āthlēticīs. │ I try to train myself in studies and in athletic games [athletics]

23. Interdum errō. │Sometimes I make a mistake.

24. Sed saltem cōnor ferē cotīdiē fierī melior quam heri. │But at least almost every day I try to become / make myself better than yesterday.

25. Deī grātiā hīs diēbus fruor optimā valētūdine. │ By the grace of God, I enjoy excellent health these days.

26. Hoc est maximī mōmentī. │This is most important.

27. Quia sine corpore sānō nōn est facile exercēre mentem. │ Because without a healthy body it isn’t easy to exercise the mind.

28. Et oportet cūrāre et mentem et corpus magnā dīligentiā. │ And you need to [lit: it is necessary to] look after both the mind and the body with great care.

29. Ad celebrandum diem nātālem meum itinera faciam, dua itinera, saltem dua. │To celebrate my birthday I shall go on a trip, two trips, at least two.

30. Mēnsē proximō ībō prīmum ad Iowa ad amīcum vīsitandum. │ Next month I’ll first go to Iowa to visit a friend.

31. Is fīet sacerdōs. │He’ll become a priest.

32. Mox ōrdinābitur. │ Soon he’ll be ordained.

33. Et deinde iterum itinerābor ad Arizonam. │ And then I’ll travel to Arizona again.

34. Quod illam terram valdē amō. │Because I really love that region.

35. Bene, cūrāte sodālēs ut valeātis mente et corpore. │OK, friends, take care of your mental and physical health. [lit: …see to it, friends, that you are healthy in the mind and in the body]


[1] Nouns

1st declension

terra, -ae [1/f]: land; territory; region

umbra, -ae [1/f]: shadow

2nd declension

cubiculum, -ī [2/m]: bedroom

culīna, -ae [1/f] kitchen

lūdus, -ī [2/m]: game

momentum, -ī [2/n]: importance

3rd declension

corpus, coporis [3/m]: body

frāter, frātris [3/m]: brother

iter, itineris [3/n]: journey

mēns, mentis [3/f]: mind

sacerdōs, sacerdōtīs [3/m]: priest

tempus, temporis [3/n]: time

valētūdō, valētūdinis [3/f]: (state of) health

5th declension

diēs, -ēī [5m/f]: day

rēs, -eī [5/f]: thing; matter; issue

[2] adjectives

1st / 2nd declension adjectives

āthlēticus, -a, -um: athletic

necessārius, -a, -um: necessary

praeteritus, -a, -um: past

proximus, -a, -um: (or, depending on context, last)

sānus, -a, -um: healthy

These next two take the exact same endings as any other 1st / 2nd declension adjectives, but they are known specifically as superlative forms e.g. the biggest, the smallest etc.

optimus, -a, -um: (the) best; very good

maximus, -a, -um: (the) greatest

3rd declension adjectives

facilis, -e: easy

nātālis, -e: ‘natal’ i.e. relating to birth > diēs natālis: birthday

senex, senis: old

Note: Nōlō fierī senior. │ I don’t want to get older.

What you see in [i] senior and [ii] optimus and maximus are examples of

[i] the comparative i.e. older

[ii] the superlative i.e. (the) best

The comparatives and superlative forms have not been covered in the group yet although they’ve been mentioned in passing.

[3] verbs

1st conjugation

amō, amāre [1]: love

cēnō, cēnāre [1]: have dinner

errō, errāre [1]: make a mistake

vītō, vītāre [1]: avoid

2nd conjugation

dēbeō, dēbēre [2]: owe; must / ought / should

exerceō, exercēre [2]: train; exercise

soleō, solēre [2]: be accustomed to / in the habit of (doing)

valeō, valēre [2]: be well / strong

3rd conjugation

currō, currere [3]: run

sistō, sistere [3]: stop

3rd-iō conjugation

fugiō, fugere [3-iō]: flee

4th conjugation

veniō, venīre [4]: come

inveniō, invenīre [4]: find

[4] Irregular verbs

fīō, fierī: become; be made

nōlō, nōlle: not want; refuse

possum, posse: be able; can

[5] pronouns / demonstratives (more on this in a later connected post)

ille, illa, illud: that; that (man, woman, thing); he / she / it

is, ea, id: this / that (man, woman, thing); he / she / it

illam terram valdē amō │ I really love that region

is fiet │ he will become


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