Thursday, June 20, 2024

17.07.24: Level 1; review; prepositions

This post isn’t about what case(s) these prepositions take, but simply about reviewing their meanings. It is not a complete list but these are ones that commonly occur. Match the meanings with the prepositions in the word cloud. I have given one or two distinct meanings for each of them although, in context, there may be different translations. Many people say, quite rightly, that Latin helps with English – but it can be the other way around. Of the twenty prepositions listed, sixteen of them occur in English as prefixes with the same original meaning.

  1. (away) from
  2. (down) from; about / concerning
  3. (together) with
  4. above
  5. across
  6. after; behind
  7. against
  8. among; between
  9. around (physically)
  10. at the house of [ = Fr. chez]
  11. for; on behalf of; as a prefix: idea of 'moving forward'
  12. in front of; before
  13. in or, depending on case, into
  14. near
  15. on account of
  16. out of
  17. through; along
  18. to(wards)
  19. under
  20. without

And how many of these are in English?

a.m. = ante meridiem = before noon



attract [from La. adtrahere > attrahō, -ere (3): pull towards]

circumference; circumnavigate the globe

conference [con-: variation of cum]


de-ice the car; descend; description


inspect i.e. look into something; inhabitant i.e. someone who lives in a particular location


peruse a book

p.m = post meridiem = after midday


pro Republican / Democrat (no political bias here); progress





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