[i] First declension
Britannia, -ae [1/f]:
fīlia, -ae [1/f]: daughter
īnsula, -ae [1/f]: island
porta, -ae [1/f]: gate
via, -ae [1/f]: way; road;
[ii] Second declension
(masculine; neuter)
gladius, -ī [2/m]: sword
servus, -ī [2/m]: slave
scūtum, -ī [2/n]: shield
oppidum, -ī [2/n]: town
acūtus, -a, -um: sharp
angustus, -a, -um: narrow
bonus, -a, -um: good
lātus, -a, -um: wide
magnus, -a, -um: big
malus, -a, -um: bad
parvus, -a, -um: small
Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman
Notes on adjectives:
[i] Latin word order is
flexible but, in general, an adjective will follow the noun:
īnsula magna │
a large island
However, it would not be
wrong to put the adjective before the noun.
[ii] Via est angusta
│ The road is narrow. This is the word order with which we’re
familiar in English.
Again, Latin can shift the
words around, putting the verb to the end of the sentence, which is the most
common way of doing it:
Via angusta est.
│ The road is narrow.
Question words (interrogatives)
Cūr? Why?
Ubi? Where?
hīc (adverb): here
est: (s)he / it is; there is
… > Estne…? Is (s)he / it …; is there …?
Note: the words for he / she
/ it are generally omitted:
Estne via angusta? │ Is the
road narrow? > Angusta est. │ It’s narrow.
Gladius est acūtus │
The sword is sharp.
Estne gladius
acūtus?│ Is the sword sharp?
Via est longa │
The road / street is long.
Estne via longa?
│ Is the road long?
Oppidum est parvum │The
town is small.
Estne oppidum
parvum? │ Is the town small?
Oppidum nōn est
parvum │ The town is not small.
1. Estne via angusta? Via
nōn est angusta: via est lāta.
2. Estne servus magnus?
Servus est magnus.
3. Estne fīlia magna?
4. Fīlia nōn est magna:
fīlia est parva.
5. Estne servus malus? Malus
6. Estne fīlia mala? Fīlia
nōn est mala: est bona.
7. Ubi est porta? Hīc est.
8. Estne porta angusta?
Angusta est.
9. Estne oppidum magnum?
Magnum est.
10. Estne scūtum bonum? Nōn
bonum est.
11. Cūr nōn est bonum?
Scūtum est angustum: scūtum angustum nōn est bonum.
12. Estne scūtum Rōmānum
bonum? Scūtum Rōmānum bonum et lātum est.
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