Thursday, June 20, 2024

11.07.24: Level 2; NLE (Latin I) 2012 Questions 1 - 28

The National Latin Examination is divided into two sections, the first part being language and history / culture, the second a reading passage with multiple choice questions.

This is the first section for 2012 (Latin 1) i.e. it is already one step up from the introductory level. If you've been following the posts in the group or the other site, or you're studying using your own resources, these are a good way of checking progress (and what may need to be reviewed). They also give you a good idea as to what is expected at this level.

Apart from, I think, Question [3], all the points tested here have been covered in the group.

The answers are at:

1. Canēs in hortō meō currunt!

A) am running B) is running C) are running D) to run

2. Cicerō  philosophiā scrīpsit.

A) around B) out of C) under D) about

3. Senātor cum īrā clāmābat. Quōmodo clāmābat?

A) īrātē B) īrātam C) īrātō D) īrātī

4. Surge, _____! Nōlī sedēre!

A) Rūfus B) Rūfe C) Rūfō D) Rūfum

5. Mater prīncipis erat bona.

A) The mother was a good emperor. 

B) The emperor was good to his mother. 

C) The emperor’s mother was good. 

D) The emperor and his mother were good.

6. Rēx cīvēs monuit quod hostēs urbem oppugnābant.

A) warned B) to warn C) was warning D) will warn

7. Calpurnia et Portia erunt _____.

A) amīca B) amīcās C) amīcae D) amīcārum

8. Vīdī templa deōrum in Forō Rōmānō.

A) the temples B) in the temple C) of the temple D) to the temples

9. "Semper tē amābō!" clāmāvit Pȳramus.

A) Always love me! 

B) I will always love you! 

C) You will always love me! 

D) I have always loved you!

10. Cūr multōs librōs legitis?

A) How B) Why C) When D) Where

11. Vīta sine librīs est vacua.

A) for books B) without books C) because of books D) among books

12. "Cupiō canem tuum capere," dīxit Herculēs.

A) must capture B) I will capture C) I captured D) to capture

13. Arborēs altae in silvīs erant.

A) are B) have been C) will be D) were

14. Dux mīlitibus tubā signum dedit.

A) The leader gave the soldiers a signal with a trumpet. 

B) The soldiers gave a trumpet as a signal to the leader. 

C) The signal of the trumpet led the soldiers. 

D) The soldiers used the trumpet to signal their leader.

15. Quot pedēs habet equus?

A) duo B) trēs C) quattuor D) octō

16. Vir malus filiōs numquam laudāvit.

A) often B) however C) never D) still

17. Lupus ad _____ fūrtim et tacitē ambulāvit.

A) rīvus B) rīvī C) rīvum

18. The Roman numeral LIX represents the number

A) 29 B) 59 C) 69 D) 109

19. What structure in ancient Rome was used for chariot racing?

A) Pantheon B) Curia C) Basilica D) Circus

20. When a Roman matron left the house, she would cover her head and shoulders with a:

A) palla B) solea C) tunica D) bulla

21. Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae were all destroyed:

A) during the 2nd Punic War B) by the fire of A.D. 64 C) in an invasion by the Gauls D) by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79

22. His bird was the eagle, his tree was the oak. He punished mortals with his lightning bolt. Who was he?

A) Ares B) Zeus C) Hermes D) Apollo

23. A Roman merchant would have navigated down the Tiber River in order to set sail from the port of:

A) Carthage B) Ostia C) Pompeii D) Brundisium

24. Quis erat deus bellī et pater Rōmulī Remīque?

A) Mars B) Iuppiter C) Neptūnus D) Vulcānus

25. Ad astra per aspera and Labor omnia vincit are Latin sayings that encourage the value of:

A) being honest B) showing kindness C) working hard D) being humble

26. The English words regalregent, and regime all derive from the Latin verb meaning:

A) plow B) rule C) build D) read

27. After 20 minutes of playing _____ with his classmates, the Latin student had to call out: 

"Ubi estis? Nōn possum vōs invenīre! Redīte ad mē!"

A) soccer B) basketball C) hide-and-seek D) tag

28. The common Latin abbreviation P.S. stands for:

A) per silvās B) post scientiam C) per stylum D) post scrīptum


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