Thursday, June 20, 2024

17.07.24: level 2; is, ea, id [8]; the “table”: how to handle it – step by step [3]

In the plural, all the pronouns have the same endings as 1st / 2nd declension nouns, and so, if you’re already familiar with the nouns, then it isn’t something ‘new’.

At the early stage of learning them, I kept a single meaning in mind. I stuck to their meanings as pronouns and gave a distinct English translation for each of them.


  • celeriter cucurrērunt. │ They ran quickly.
  • quoque silēbant. │ They also were silent.
  • quī ¦ rūrī habitābant semper timēbant. │They [i.e. those (people)] who lived in the countryside were always afraid.
  • Quid eae dixērunt tibi? (Plautus)  │ (Referring to a group of women) What did they say to you?


  • Ibi circum poētam volābant tenuēs umbrae eōrum. │ Their slender shadows were flying there around the poet.
  • Hostēs semper superō, quod oppida eōrum ācriter oppugnāre et agrōs eōrum vastāre audeō. │ I always conquer the enemy because I dare fiercely to attack their towns and lay waste their fields.
  • Posteā vērō, hospes, sciēs dē terrā, et āere, et aquā, et ignī et fōrmīs eōrum... │ In truth, (my) guest, later you will know about the land, and the air and water and fire and their forms.


  • Semper eīs partem praedae dedērunt. │ They always gave a part of the booty to them.
  • Dulcissimum erat eīs cantum dīvīnum audīre. │ It was the sweetest thing for them to hear the heavenly singing.


  • … et eōs amīcōs fēcit. │ And he made them friends.
  • Ubīque sunt in aquā nāvēs et magna est laetitia Cornēliae ubi eās videt. │There are ships everywhere in the water and great is Cornelia’s happiness [Cornelia is very happy] when she sees them.
  • Prope mare castra mūniēmus quae nēmō oppugnābit quod ea bene dēfendēmus. │ We shall fortify the camp near the sea which nobody will attack because we shall defend it well. [castra (camp) is plural in Latin]
  • Avunculus rūra semper amābat et laetus erat quod nunc cum Cornēliā ea iterum vīsitābat. │(Her) uncle always loved country areas and was happy because he was now visiting them again with Cornelia.


  • … et fābulās eīs laeta legit. │ …and she happily read stories about them.

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