Thursday, June 20, 2024

06.07.24: level 1; 10 at a time; writing [1]

Match the English with the Latin words in the image

  1. book
  2. book case; library
  3. cylindrical container for books
  4. ink
  5. instrument used for writing on wax tablets
  6. map (Mediaeval)
  7. paper
  8. scroll
  9. wax tablet for writing
  10. writer


ātrāmentum, -ī [2/n]: ink
capsa, -ae [1/f]: cylindrical container for books
charta, -ae [1/f]: (Mediaeval) map 
liber, librī [2/m]: book
librārium, -ī [2/n]: book case; library
papȳrus, -ī [2 m/f]: paper
scrīptor, scrīptōris [3/m]: writer
stilus, -ī [2/m]: instrument used for writing on wax tablets
tabula, -ae [1/f]: wax tablet for writing
volūmen, volūminis [3/n]: scroll

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