Thursday, June 20, 2024

17.07.24: Level 2; Practice in reading the perfect tense; A First Latin Reader (Vincent): Who’s who?

So far, there have been five posts with the title of A First Latin Reader by Vincent (1936) and already you can see that, in the early history of Rome, there are many names involved. Try this match up exercise so that, gradually you can put the jigsaw pieces together.

  1. first queen of Carthage
  2. king of Alba Longa; grandfather of the twin brothers
  3. king of Alba Longa; ordered the death of the twin brothers
  4. king of the Etruscans
  5. king of the Rutuli, chief antagonist of Aeneas
  6. mother of the twin boys
  7. one of the two first consuls of the Roman Republic
  8. one of the two first consuls of the Roman Republic
  9. the founder of Rome
  10. the seventh and last king of Rome
  11. the twin brother of the founder of Rome
  12. Trojan hero 

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