Note: the reader misreads one word; he says *iuna* rather than lūna.
8. Ex hortō patruī meī scopulōs albōs ōrae maritimae spectāmus. Scopulī sunt altī. Et ōra Francogallica nōn procul abest. Noctū ex scopulīs pharōs ōrae Francogallicae spectāmus, velut stellās clārās in ōceanō. Quam bellus es, ōceane, cum lūna undās tuās illustrat! Quantopere mē dēlectat vōs, undae caeruleae, spectāre, cum tranquillae estis et arēnam ōrae maritimae lavātis! Quantopere me dēlectātis cum turbulentae estis et sub scopulīs spūmātis et murmurātis!
From my uncle’s garden we look at the white cliffs of the seashore. The cliffs are high. And the French coast is not far away. At night from the cliffs we look at the lighthouses of the French coast, just like bright stars in the ocean. How beautiful you are, ocean, when the moon lights up your waves! How it delights me to watch you, blue waves, when you are clam and wash the sand of the seashore! How you delight me when you are stormy and foam and murmur beneath the cliffs.
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