Friday, August 9, 2024

13.09.24: the dative of purpose

The first image and notes are from group member Daniel Wong

“Mīlitēs ex veteribus legiōnibus erant relictī praesidiō castrīs” (Caesar)

conjugātiō et dēclīnātiō

Mīlitēs ( ex (prep) veteribus ( legiōnibus ( [erant relictī] ( praesidiō (d) castrīs (


mīles (n.m.3) soldier

legiō (n.f.3) legion

relinquere (v3) to leave behind

praesidium ( defence / guard / protection

castra ( encampment

vetus (adj.1/2) old


The soldiers from the old legions had been left as a guard for the camp

Grammar note

Dative of purpose*

praesidiō and castrīs

*I just wanted to say a little more about Daniel’s reference to the dative of purpose because that specific use has not been mentioned in the group yet.

Latin uses a “double dative” here i.e. two nouns both in the dative case:

[i] first one: for what purpose the action is happening

[ii] second one: who / what is affected by that

Mīlitēs ex veteribus legiōnibus erant relictī ¦ [i] praesidiō [ii] castrīs.

The soldiers from the old legions had been left behind …

[i] For what purpose?

> praesidiō │ for the purpose of being a guard = as a guard

[ii] What was affected by that, or who benefitted from it?

> praesidiō [ii] castrīs │ as a guard [ii] for the camp

Examples from the authors:

[i] Māgnō ūsuī [ii] nostrīs fuit. (Caesar) │ He was ¦ [i] of great service ¦ [ii] to our men.

[ii] Suīs [i] salūtī fuit. (Caesar) │ He was [i] the salvation [ii] for our men.

English has a similar concept:

This was ¦ of advantage ¦ to us.

A neat way of remembering this construction is a two word quotation from Cicero:

Cui [dative] bonō [dative]? │ Who benefits? [Literally: to whom (is it) of advantage?]

More information on this at the moment can be found here:

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