Friday, August 9, 2024

12.09.24: adverbs [4](2); adverbs of time, sequence, frequency (2)

Complete the translation with the appropriate adverbs.

  1. Quās ad tē deinde litterās mittēmus? │ What letters shall we send to you __________?
  2. Rūrsus Mārcus clāmat, "Cavē, Flāvī!" │__________ Marcus shouts ‘Take care, Flavius!’
  3. Rūs crās ībō. │ I’ll go to the country __________.
  4. Semper pugnāns. │ __________ fighting / battling
  5. Temporibus illīs nōn saepe in senātū fuit. │ At those times he was not __________ in the senate.
  6. Tum Caecilius in hortō sedet. │ __________ Caecilius sits in the garden.
  7. Ubi prīmum terram tetigimus... │ When we __________ set foot on land ... / as soon as we set foot on land ...
  8. Uxor tibi dūcenda est hodiē. │ You are to marry __________.
  9. Vīdistīne umquam Alpēs? │ Have you __________ seen the Alps?
  10. Quīntus Rōmam ab Apūliā nūper advēnit. │ Quintus __________  arrived in Rome from Apulia.

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