Friday, August 9, 2024

11.09.24: Level 1; review; practice in the cases [5](3): reading (1)

Lectiō §25

Explōrātōris ad Caesarem epistula

Oppidum habet quattuor portās. Habet ūnam magnam portam, trēs parvās portās. Incolae oppidī bona arma nōn habent. Plūs quam mīlle sagittās habent. Sed sagittās bonās nōn habent. Habent multa scūta, sed numerus bonōrum scūtōrum parvus est. Multās hastās habent, sed hastās acūtās nōn habent. Portae nōn firmae sunt. Oppidum mūrōs habet, sed mūrī nōn sunt altī. Incolae oppidī plūs quam centum carrōs habent. Sed vīgintī modo equōs habent. Quattuor parva tormenta habent. Sed cōpia magnōrum tēlōrum parva est. Plūs quam mīlle servōs habent. Centum modo armātōs habent.

[A] All of the following statements are wrong; correct them.

The town has four ports.

The town has one small gate and three large gates.

The inhabitants of the town are well armed.

They have 1000 arrows.

They have more than 1000 good arrows.

They have a large number of good shields.

They don’t have sharp arrows.

The town has one wall.

The town’s walls are high.

The inhabitants have fewer than 100 wagons.

They have the same number of horses as they have wagons.

They have five siege machines and a large amount of weapons.

They have more than 100 slaves.

They have 1000 armed men.

§26: interrogātiō

[B] Read the text again and answer the questions in Latin.

  1. Quot portās habet oppidum?
  2. Quot magnās portās habet?
  3. Quot parvās portās habet?
  4. Habentne incolae bona arma?
  5. Quot sagittās habent?
  6. Habentne bonās sagittās?
  7. Estne numerus magnōrum scūtōrum magnus?
  8. Habentne magnam cōpiam hastārum acūtārum ?
  9. Habetne oppidum mūrōs?
  10. Suntne mūrī altī?
  11. Quot carrōs habent?
  12. Quot equōs habent?
  13. Quot tormenta habent?
  14. Quot servōs habent?
  15. Quot armātōs habent?

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