- Complete the translations with the appropriate adverbs.
- Cave cibum, valdē malus est. │ Watch out for the food, it’s __________ bad.
- Cōgitō ergō sum. │ I think. __________, I am.
- Itaque quid fēcit? │ __________, what did he do?
- Contrā fēlīcem vix deus vīrēs habet. │ Against a happy person a god __________ has power.
- Cūr ancilla flet et valdē trīstis est? │ Why is the maidservant weeping and __________ sad?
- Gaudeāmus igitur iuvenēs dum sumus. │ Let’s __________ rejoice while we are young.
- Paene exclāmāvī gaudiō. │ I __________ shouted out with joy.
- Vix quisquam hoc negāre potest. │ __________ anybody can deny this.
- Lēgātum igitur ad cōnsulem mīsit. │ __________, he sent an ambassador to the consul.
- Quis est vir quī valdē bene saltat? │ Who is the man who dances __________ well.
- In Galliā nōn sōlum in omnibus cīvitātibus ... sed paene etiam in singulīs domibus factiōnēs sunt. │ In Gaul there are factions not __________ in all the cities but __________ even in individual houses.
Gaudeāmus igitur (Therefore, let
us rejoice), thought to originate in 1287,
is a popular academic song performed at university graduation
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