Image: This list refers to adverbs of time which includes:
the order in which events
occurs e.g. prīmum, deinde
the frequency with which
an action occurs e.g. saepe, interdum
the points of time in relation to now e.g.
herī, hodiē, mox
- prīmum: first; at first
- deinde: then; afterwards
- tum: then
- dēnique: finally
- postrēmō: finally
- tandem: finally
- interdum: sometimes
- saepe: often
- semper: always
- numquam: never
- umquam: ever
- cotīdiē: every day
- herī: yesterday
- hodiē: today
- crās: tomorrow
- nuper: recently
- iam; already
- nunc: now
- mox: soon
- abhinc: ago
- iterum: again
- rūrsus / rūrsum: again
Complete the translations with the appropriate adverbs.
- Ad macellum cotīdiē venit. │ She comes to the market __________.
- Adiī tē herī dē fīliā. │ I came to you __________ about [your] daughter.
- Equidem iam exspectābam tuās litterās. │ Indeed I __________ expected your letters.
- ferē abhinc annōs quīndecim │ Almost fifteen years __________
- Iterum iterumque vocāvī. │ I called __________.
- Itinera sunt incommodī plēna, interdum etiam perīculī. │ The journeys are full of inconvenience, __________ even danger.
- Mox appārēbō domī. │ I shall be at home __________.
- Nunc dēnique incipiunt crēdere. │ Now, __________ they begin to believe.
- Nunc est bibendum. │__________ it’s time to drink.
- Puellam pulchriōrem quam tē numquam vīdī. │ I have __________ seen a girl more beautiful than you.
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