Friday, August 9, 2024

18.09.24: Level 1; military vocabulary [2]

aquilifer, -ī [2/m]: standard-bearer (specifically referring to the officer who held the eagle standard of the legion)

aquila, -ae [1/f]: eagle; the eagle standard carried by the legion

signifer, -ī [2/m]: standard-bearer

signum, -ī [2/n]: military standard; ensign; signum dō, -are [1]: to give the signal (to attack)

cornicen, cornicinis [3/m]: bugler; trumpeter; horn blower

tubicen, tubicinis [3/m]: trumpet player

cornū, -ūs [4/n]: (musical) horn; also: wing of an army

tuba, -ae [1/f]: long trumpet; war trumpet

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