Friday, August 9, 2024

18.09.24: adverbs [7](1); interrogative adverbs (1)

Interrogative adverbs seek information about where, why, when or how an action was performed. Some examples are listed below but there are others.

[1] cūr: why?

[2] quārē: by what means?; how?; why?

[3] quid as an interrogative pronoun means ‘what?’:

Quid dīxistī? │ What did you say?

Quid, as an interrogative adverb, means ‘why; what for?’

[4] num; nōnne

num was already discussed in an earlier unit. It is used in a direct question, expecting the answer ‘no’:

Num Sparta īnsula est? Sparta’s not an island, is it?Surely Sparta’s not an island?

nōnne is also used in a direct question, but expects a 'yes' answer:

Nōnne intellegis? │ You understand, don't you? / Surely you understand?

[5] quandō: when?

[6] quō: to where? [arch. whither?]

[7] quōmodo: how?; in what way?

[8] ubi: where?

[9] unde: from where? [arch. whence?]

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