Monday, February 17, 2025

08.05.25: Level 2; topic; Mankind; the human body; accident and illness [7]

Complete Comenius’ descriptions of the functions of the five senses by including the words from the box below. Most of these you already know or can easily work out.

Sunt quīnque externī ______; │There are five outward senses;

Oculus videt ______ quid album vel ______, ______ vel caeruleum, rubrum aut ______, sit. │ The eye sees colours, what is white or black, green or blue, red or yellow.

Auris audit ______ tum nātūrālēs, ______ et ______, tum artificiālēs, ______ mūsicōs. │ The ear hears sounds both natural, voices and words, and artificial, musical tunes.

Nāsus ______ ______ et fētōrēs. │ The nose scents smells and stinks.

Lingua cum palātō ______ sapōrēs quid ______ aut amārum, ācre aut ______, acerbum aut ______, sit. │ The tongue with the roof of the mouth tastes flavours, what is sweet or bitter, keen or biting, sour or harsh.

Manus ______ tangendō rērum quantitātem et quālitātem: │ The hand by touching distinguishes the quantity and quality of things:

calidum et ______, │ the hot and cold,

______ et siccum, │ the moist and dry,

______ et molle, │ the hard and soft,

laeve et asperum, │ the smooth and rough,

______ et leve. │ the heavy and light.

acidum; asperum; ātrum; austērum; colōrēs; dignōscit; dulce; dūrum; frīgidum; grave; gustat; hūmidum; lūteum; odōrēs; olfacit; sēnsūs; sonōs; tonōs; verba; viride; vōcēs

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