Tuesday, April 9, 2024

06.03.24: Ora Maritima

[Ora Maritima: Sonnenschein (1902)]

8. Ex hortō patruī meī scopulōs albōs ōrae maritimae spectāmus. Scopulī sunt altī. Et ōra Francogallica nōn procul abest. Noctū ex scopulīs pharōs ōrae Francogallicae spectāmus, velut stellās clārās in ōceanō. Quam bellus es, ōceane, cum lūna undās tuās illustrat! Quantopere mē dēlectat vōs, undae caeruleae, spectāre, cum tranquillae estis et arēnam ōrae maritimae lavātis! Quantopere me dēlectātis cum turbulentae estis et sub scopulīs spūmātis et murmurātis!


scopulus: cliff

ab¦est: is distant; nōn procul abest: is not far away

noctū: by night, in the night time

pharus: light house

velut: as, even as

illustrāre: to light up

tranquillus, -a, -um: calm; tranquil

lavāre: to wash

turbulentus, -a, -um: rough, turbulent (e.g. of waves)

spūmāre: to foam

murmurāre: to murmur

pharus: from Ancient Greek Φάρος (Pháros) which referred to the island of Pharos off the coast of Alexandria where the lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was located.

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