Tuesday, April 2, 2024

19.02.24: Asking for the meanings of words

Quōmodo dīcitur ‘village’ Latīnē? What’s the Latin for `village’?

Quōmodo dīcitur ‘vicus’ Anglicē? What’s the English for `vicus’?

Quōmodo dīcitur ... Anglicē / Latīnē? Literally: In what way / how is ... said in English / Latin?

Revise some of the vocabulary introduced in earlier posts:

1. Quōmodo dīcitur ‘stilus’ Anglicē?

2. Quōmodo dīcitur ‘sword’ Latīnē?

3. Quōmodo dīcitur ‘fluvius’ Anglicē?

4. Quōmodo dīcitur ‘plaustrum’ Anglicē?

5. Quōmodo dīcitur ‘money’ Latīnē?

6. Quōmodo dīcitur ‘hut’ Latīnē?

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