Tuesday, July 23, 2024

29.08.24: the present active participle [10]; declension [8]; other cases

Participles are generally easy to spot since they have distinctive markers i.e. -ns for the nominative singular and -nt- when endings are added. Also, they are formed from verbs and so, if you recognise the verb, you’ll recognise the participle. Below are examples of the participle in different cases.

ambulō, -āre [1]: walk > ambulāns, -antis: walking

clamō, -āre [1]: shout > clamāns, -antis: shouting

convalēscō, -ere [3]: recover > convalēscēns, -entis: recovering (from illness)

dubitō, -āre [1]: hesitate > dubitāns, -antis: hesitating

lacrimō, -āre [1]: cry > lacrimāns, -antis: crying

sedeō, -ere [3]: sit > sedēns, -entis: sitting

volō, -āre [1]: fly > volāns, -antis: flying

Nom. Sg:

In silvā ambulāns agricola pecūniam invēnit. │ While walking in the forest the farmer finds money.

Gen. Sg.                       

Sōl ālās puerī volantis liquefacit. │The sun melts the wings of the boy [as he is] flying.

Dat. Sg.                        

Amīcō convalēscentī cibum mittō. │ I send food to the friend [who is] recovering from illness.

Acc. Sg.                       

Flāvia fīlium suum in hortō sedentem vīdit. │ Flavia sees her son [while he is] sitting in the garden.

Abl. Sg.

Nihil sciō dē fēminā lacrimantī. │ I know nothing about the woman [who is ] crying.


Nom. Pl.                      

Prope rīpam ambulantēs, puerī aurum inveniunt. │ The boys [while they’re] walking near the riverbank find gold.

Gen. Pl.

Vōcēs nautārum clāmantium audīre possumus. │ We can hear the voices of the sailors [as they are] shouting.

Dat. Pl.                         

Senātor cīvibus dubitantibus persuādet. │ The senator persuades the citizens [who are] hesitating.

Acc. Pl.                        

Mīlitēs servōs per viam currentēs capiunt. │ The soldiers capture the slaves [while they are] running along the street.

Abl. Pl.                         

Quid scīs dē servīs fugientibus? │ What do you know about the slaves [who are] fleeing?

Complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate participle from the box below.

  1. Achillēs Troiānōs ______ occīdere cupit. │ Achilles wants to kill the fleeing Trojans.
  2. Servī frūmentum ______ ad oppidum currunt. │The slaves carrying grain run to the town.
  3. Fēlēs mūrem in herbā ______ cōnspicit. │The cat observes the mouse hiding in the grass.
  4. Flāvia in hortō sedet librum ______.  │ Flavia is sitting in the garden reading a book.
  5. Mīlitēs urbī ______ spectāmus. │ We watch the soldiers approaching the city.
  6. Pater mihi fābulam ______ nārrat. │My father tells me a frightening story.
  7. Puellās ad portās ______ vīdimus. │We see the girls hurrying to the gates.
  8. Quis est ille vir in forō ______. │ Who is that man standing in the forum?
  9. Servus cibum dominō ______ portat. │The slave brings food to the master who is waiting.
  10. Servus dominum ______ excitat. │ The slave wakes up the master as he is sleeping.
  11. Ancilla, dominum ______ ātrium intrat. │The slave-girl hearing the master enters the hall.
  12. Leōnem ______ vidēmus. │We see a dying lion.
  13. Ego aut ______ aut ______ disputō. │While either sitting or walking I am discussing.

ambulāns; appropinquantēs; audiēns; dormientem; exspectantī;  festīnantēs; fugientēs; latentem; legēns; morientem; portantēs; sedēns; stāns; terrentem


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