Monday, July 1, 2024

20.08.24: Level 1; Ora Maritima 8[1]

Listen to and read the text. Find the Latin for:

  • a fourteen-year-old boy
  • a special friend to me
  • among my friends
  • during the holidays
  • friendship between us
  • they come from / they’re originally from
  • we are free from schools [= we don’t have school]
  • we boys are now on holiday
  • we walk together

Delectamenta puerorum

In numerō amīcōrum meōrum sunt duo puerī. Mārcus, puer quattuordecim annōrum, mihi praecipuus amīcus est. Prope Dubrās nunc habitant, sed ex Calēdoniā oriundī sunt. Nōbīs puerīs fēriae nunc sunt; nam condiscipulī sumus. Inter fēriās līberī sumus scholīs. Amīcī meī mē saepe vīsitant, et ego amīcōs meōs vīsitō. Magna est inter nōs amīcitia. Ūnā ambulāmus, ūnā in undīs spūmiferīs natāmus, cum nōn nimis asperae sunt. Quantopere nōs puerōs lūdī pilārum in arēnā dēlectant! Ut iuvat castella contrā undās spūmiferās aedificāre! 


Among my friends [lit: in the number of my friends] there are two boys. Marcus, a fourteen-year-old boy [lit: a boy of fourteen years]  is my best friend [lit:  a special friend to me]. They now live near Dover, but they come from / are originally from Scotland. We boys are on holiday [lit: have holidays] now, for we are fellow pupils. We have no school [lit: are free from schools / lessons] during the holidays. My friends often visit me, and I visit my friends. There is a great friendship between us. We walk together, we swim together in the foamy waves, when they are not too rough. We boys really love ball games on the sand! [lit: How greatly ball games on the sand delight us boys.]  How much fun it is to build castles against the foaming waves! [lit: How it pleases to build castles against the foaming waves!]

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