If you go back to the post on 07.03.24, you’ll see a questionable Mediaeval recipe for long and black hair. Now there are a few more jigsaw pieces:
Sī mulier velit habēre
longōs capillōs et nigrōs, accipe lacertam viridem et remōtō
capite et caudā, coque in oleō commūnī. Tālī oleō inunge caput;
reddit capillōs longōs et nigrōs.
If a woman would like to
have long and black hair, take a green lizard and, its head
and tail having been removed, cook it in ordinary oil. Anoint the
head with such oil; this makes the hair long and black.
- accipiō, accipere
[3-iō]: receive; take > accipe lacertam viridem: take a
green lizard
- coquō, coquere [3]:
cook > coque in oleō commūnī: cook (it) in
ordinary oil
- inungō, inungere [3]:
annoint > inunge caput: anoint the head
So, not only can you make
your own hair long and black, you can tell somebody else how to do it!
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