Thursday, May 23, 2024

23.05.24: Level 1; Ora Maritima [2](1)

The translation is below the text, but focus on the verbs in bold.

3. Ex fenestrīs vīllae undās spectās. Undās caeruleās amō. Quam magnae sunt, quam perlūcidae! Post cēnam lūnam et stēllās ex fenestrā meā spectō. Prope vīllam est silva, ubi cum amitā meā saepe ambulō. Quantopere nōs silva dēlectat! Ō cōpiam plantārum et herbārum! Ō cōpiam bācārum! Nōn sōlum nautae sed etiam agricolae circum habitant. Casae agricolārum parvae sunt. Nautae casās albās habitant. Amita mea casās agricolārum et nautārum saepe vīsitat.

5. Lȳdia quoque, cōnsōbrīna mea, apud amitam meam nunc habitat. Lȳdia columbās cūrat: cūra columbārum Lȳdiae magnam laetitiam dat. Tū, Lȳdia, cum apud magistram tuam es, linguae Francogallicae et linguae Anglicae operam dās; sed ego linguīs antīquīs Rōmae et Graeciae operam . Saepe cum Lȳdiā ad silvam vel ad ōram maritimam ambulō. Interdum cum nautā in scaphā nāvigāmus. Quantopere nōs undae caeruleae dēlectant! Lȳdia casās agricolārum cum amitā meā interdum vīsitat. Vōs, fīliae agricolārum, Lȳdiam amātis, ut Lȳdia vōs amat. Ubi inopia est, ibi amita mea inopiam levat.


[3] From the windows of the villa you look at the waves. I love the blue waves. How large they are, how transparent! After dinner I look at the moon and the stars from my window. There is a forest near the village, where I often walk with my aunt. How much the forest delights us! Lots of plants and herbs! What a large number of berries! Not only sailors but also farmers live around. The cottages of the farmers are small. The sailors live in white houses. My aunt often visits the cottages of the farmers and the sailors.

[5] Lydia, my cousin, is also now living with my aunt. Lydia takes care of the doves: the care of the doves gives great happines to Lydia. You, Lydia, when you are with your teacher, give attention to the French language and the English language; but I give attention to the ancient languages of Rome and Greece. I often walk with Lydia to the forest or to the seaside. Sometimes we sail with a sailor in a boat. How the blue waves delight us! Lydia sometimes visits the farmers' cottages with my aunt. You, daughters of farmers, love Lydia, as Lydia loves you. Where there is need / scarcity, there my aunt relieves (their) need. 

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