Monday, August 26, 2024

30.09.24: follow-up; Saeptum Nationale Big Bend; transcript; part [2]

Referring to:

Ascēnsiō montis

1:44: Buccī ille castor dīcit salūtem│ castor, -is [3/m]: beaver

1:48: Ego quoque vōbīs plūrimam salūtem dīcō

1:53: Venīte nōbīscum

1:56: ad hōs montēs ascendendōs superandōsque │ [see note]*

2:03: Hīc sunt leōnēs ursīque. Cavēte! │ ursus, -ī [2/m]: bear

2:07: Salvēte

2:08: Quamquam nōn dormīvī in viā

2:11: (cōnātus sum sed nōn potuī)

2:14: Et nunc

2:16: tria saccipēria portō │ saccipērium, -ī [2/n]: (small) bag

2:19: bene mē habeō

2:20: Nōn fessus sum

2:22: Hoc mihi perplacet

2:55: Iam prope cacūmen sumus

2:58: Difficile erat attingere hunc locum sed │ attingō, -ere, attigī [3]: reach

3:00: nōs dēlectat!

3:02: Satis habēmus

3:04: Profectō in pelliculā nōn vidērī potest │ profectō (adverb): truly

3:07: tōta haec amoenitās │ amoenitās, amoenitāts [3/f]: pleasantness; charm; loveliness

3:09: sed vērē nōbīs perplacet

3:14: Nunc dēscendō

3:16: Valēte

3:19: Sollicitus sum quia

3:22: iam nōn habeō aquam

3:30: Superfuī │ super-sum, -esse, -fuī: survive

3:32: Adhūc vīvō. Iam habeō aquam

3:35: Hoc est mīrāculum


  1. Why does Vincent tell us to be careful?
  2. How well did Vincent sleep?
  3. What’s he carrying?
  4. How does he feel physically?
  5. Give the timing in the video where he says he’s near the summit.
  6. At 3:04 how effective does Vincent think the video is?
  7. Why is Vincent worried at 3:19?
  8. What is miraculous?

[B] Find the Latin:

  1. although
  2. I couldn’t
  3. I tried
  4. I’m going down
  5. I’m still alive
  6. I say hello
  7. (He) says hello
  8. It was difficult
  9. This really pleases me = I really like this



1:53: Venīte nōbīscum ¦ 1:56: ad hōs montēs ascendendōs superandōsque

Come with us ¦ to climb and conquer these mountains

Vincent uses a construction known as the gerundive which is formed from a participle that has a very specific meaning; the participle is called the future passive participle

  • ascendendus, -a, -um: which is to be climbed
  • superandus, -a, -um: which is to be conquered

Venīte nōbiscum ¦ ad hōs montēs [i] ascendendōs [ii] superandōsque

Come with us ¦ literally: to these mountains [i] which are to be climbed and [ii] to be conquered

= Come with us to climb and conquer these mountains

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