Referring to:
Ascēnsiō montis
1:44: Buccī ille castor dīcit salūtem│
castor, -is [3/m]: beaver
1:48: Ego quoque vōbīs plūrimam salūtem dīcō
1:53: Venīte nōbīscum
1:56: ad hōs montēs ascendendōs superandōsque │ [see note]*
2:03: Hīc sunt leōnēs ursīque. Cavēte! │ ursus,
-ī [2/m]: bear
2:07: Salvēte
2:08: Quamquam nōn dormīvī in viā
2:11: (cōnātus sum sed nōn potuī)
2:14: Et nunc
2:16: tria saccipēria portō │ saccipērium, -ī [2/n]: (small)
2:19: bene mē habeō
2:20: Nōn fessus sum
2:22: Hoc mihi perplacet
2:55: Iam prope cacūmen sumus
2:58: Difficile erat attingere hunc locum
sed │ attingō, -ere, attigī [3]: reach
3:00: nōs dēlectat!
3:02: Satis habēmus
3:04: Profectō in pelliculā nōn vidērī potest │ profectō
(adverb): truly
3:07: tōta haec amoenitās │ amoenitās,
amoenitāts [3/f]: pleasantness; charm; loveliness
3:09: sed vērē nōbīs perplacet
3:14: Nunc dēscendō
3:16: Valēte
3:19: Sollicitus sum quia
3:22: iam nōn habeō aquam
3:30: Superfuī │ super-sum, -esse, -fuī:
3:32: Adhūc vīvō. Iam habeō aquam
3:35: Hoc est mīrāculum
- Why does Vincent tell us to be careful?
- How well did Vincent sleep?
- What’s he carrying?
- How does he feel physically?
- Give the timing in the video where he says he’s near the summit.
- At 3:04 how effective does Vincent think the video is?
- Why is Vincent worried at 3:19?
- What is miraculous?
[B] Find the Latin:
- although
- I couldn’t
- I tried
- I’m going down
- I’m still alive
- I say hello
- (He) says hello
- It was difficult
- This really pleases me = I really like this
1:53: Venīte nōbīscum ¦ 1:56: ad hōs montēs ascendendōs superandōsque
Come with us ¦ to climb and conquer these
Vincent uses a construction known as the gerundive which
is formed from a participle that has a very specific meaning; the participle is
called the future passive participle
- ascendendus, -a, -um: which is to be climbed
- superandus, -a, -um: which is to be conquered
Venīte nōbiscum ¦ ad hōs montēs [i] ascendendōs [ii]
Come with us ¦ literally: to these mountains [i] which are
to be climbed and [ii] to be conquered
= Come with us to climb and conquer these
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