[A] Complete the Latin text by referring to the translation and using the verbs listed.
Rōmānī nāvēs __________. Tertiā
circiter vigiliā Caesar nāvēs __________. Prīmae nāvēs hōrā circiter quārtā
Britanniam __________. Ibi in altīs locīs sunt armātae cōpiae Britannōrum.
Britannōs __________ Rōmānī. Barbarī ex altīs locīs tēla __________. Itaque ibi
mīlitēs ex nāvibus Caesar nōn __________. Reliquās nāvēs ad hōram nōnam __________.
Caesar interim lēgātōs __________. Eīs cōnsilia __________. Ventum secundum __________.
Tum lēgātōs __________. Signum __________. Rōmānī ventō secundō ancorās __________.
Mox in apertō locō nāvēs __________.
The Romans board the
ships. Around the third watch Caesar unties the ships. The first ships reach
Britain around the fourth hour. There in high positions are the armed
troops of the Britons. The Romans see the Britons. The barbarians hurl
missiles from the high positions. Therefore, Caesar does not put the
soldiers ashore there. They wait for the remaining ships until
the ninth hour. Meanwhile, Caesar summons his envoys. He explains
his plans to them. He waits for a favourable wind. Then he dismisses
his envoys. He gives the signal. The Romans raise the anchors [=
weigh anchor] with the favourable wind. They soon line up the ships in
an exposed position.
attingunt; cōnscendunt; cōnstituunt;
convocat; dat; dīmittit; expōnit; exspectant; exspectat; mittunt; ostendit; solvit;
tollunt; vident
[B] Answer the questions in Latin
quotus, -a, -um: which when
asking about the numerical order of things / people i.e. an ordinal
number (1st, 2nd etc) is expected in the answer, for
The answer is: sextā hōrā │ at
the sixth hour
The question was: Quotā hōrā? │
at which hour (the first, second, third etc.?)
The answer is: Augustus prīmus imperātor fuit. │ Augustus
was the first emperor.
The question was: Quotus imperātor
fuit Augustus? │ Which emperor (in sequence) was Augustus?
Quotā vigiliā?
The night watch was divided into
four, and so at which one (in order) does the event happen – the first,
second etc?
- Quid faciunt Rōmānī?
- Quotā vigiliā Caesar nāvēs solvit?
- Quotā hōrā prīmae nāvēs Britanniam attingunt?
- Ubi sunt armātae cōpiae Britannōrum?
- Cūr Caesar mīlitēs ibi nōn expōnit? Quamdiū reliquās nāvēs exspectant?
- Quid interim facit Caesar?
- Quibus cōnsilia ostendit?
- Quid exspectat?
- Estne ventus secundus?
- Quid faciunt Rōmānī?
- Ubi Rōmānī nāvēs cōnstituunt?
Rōmānī nāvēs cōnscendunt. Tertiā
circiter vigiliā Caesar nāvēs solvit. Prīmae nāvēs hōrā circiter quārtā
Britanniam attingunt. Ibi in altīs locīs sunt armātae cōpiae Britannōrum.
Britannōs vident Rōmānī. Barbarī ex altīs locīs tēla mittunt. Itaque ibi
mīlitēs ex nāvibus Caesar nōn expōnit. Reliquās nāvēs ad hōram nōnam
exspectant. Caesar interim lēgātōs convocat. Eīs cōnsilia ostendit. Ventum
secundum exspectat. Tum lēgātōs dīmittit. Signum dat. Rōmānī ventō secundō
ancorās tollunt. Mox in apertō locō nāvēs cōnstituunt.
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