cōnscendere [3] │ to board (a ship)
cōnscendō │ I board
cōnscendis │ you (sg.) board
cōnscendit │ he / she / it boards
cōnscendimus │ we board
cōnscenditis │ you (pl.) board
cōnscendunt │ they board
attingō, -ere [3]: reach
cōnstituō, -ere [3]: (here) line up
dīmittō, -ere [3]: send away; dismiss
expōnō, -ere [3]: (here) land i.e. disembark (people); put
(people) on the shore
mittō, -ere [3]: send; (here) hurl (e.g. weapons)
ostendō, -ere [3]: show; make known; explain
solvō, -ere [3] loosen; untie
tollō, -ere [3]: raise up; (here) weigh anchor
secundus, -a, um: careful! This adjective can mean ‘second’
but, when describing the wind, it means ‘favourable’
vigilia, -ae [1f]: watch referring to a military guard
during the night; the night was divided into four equal vigiliae
[A] Complete the Latin with the appropriate verbs listed below.
- Rōmānī nāvēs __________. │ The Romans are boarding the ships.
- Tertiā circiter vigiliā Caesar nāvēs __________. │ Around the third watch Caesar unties the ships.
- Rōmānī hōrā quārtā Britanniam __________. │ The Romans reach Britain at the fourth hour.
- Barbarī ex altīs locīs tēla __________. │ The barbarians hurl weapons from high positions.
- Ibi mīlitēs ex nāvibus Caesar nōn __________. │ Caesar doesn’t put the soldiers on the shore there.
- Caesar lēgātīs cōnsilia __________. │ Caesar explains the plans to the ambassadors.
- Tum lēgātōs__________. │ Then he dismisses the ambassadors.
- Rōmānī ventō secundō ancorās __________. │The Romans weigh anchor with a favourable wind.
- Mox in altō nāvēs __________. │ Soon the ships are lined up in the sea.
attingunt; cōnscendunt; cōnstituunt; dīmittit; expōnit; mittunt;
ostendit; solvit; tollunt
[B] Match the English with the Latin verbs in the word cloud
- Are they writing?
- Are you (pl.) saying?
- Are you (sg.) saying?
- he / she is writing
- he / she says
- I am writing
- I say
- Is he / she writing?
- they say
- they write
- to say
- to write
- we say
- we write
- you (pl.) are writing
- you (pl.) say
- you (sg.) say
- you (sg.) write
C] Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb listed
- Rēx epistulam __________.
- Quid _________, discipule? Epistulam __________.
- Quid _________, discipulī? Fābulās __________.
- Magister discipulō salūtem __________.
- Ego magistrō salūtem ________.
- Discipulī magistrō salūtem __________.
- Nōs puerī magistrō salūtem __________.
- Puerī in scholā fābulās __________.
- Quid __________? Nihil; taceō.
dīcimus; dīcis; dīcit; dīcō; dīcunt; scrībimus; scrībis;
scrībit; scrībitis; scrībō; scrībunt
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