Agricola ad casam venit. Fīlia parva nōn est in casā. Tum agricola, "Iūlia," exclāmat, "fīlia mea, ubi es?"
Iterum Iūliam vocat, sed frūstrā – nūlla est puella. Cēna
nōn est in mēnsā parāta, nec rosae in mēnsā sunt. Tum ad ōram maritimam
properat et procul nāviculam albam spectat. Ad nautārum casās properat.
Nautārum fīliae perterritae, "Cum pīrātīs,"
inquiunt, "est Iūlia tua."
Magna est īra agricolae. Galeam et hastam raptat. Nautae
nāviculam suam agricolae dant. Nautae quoque galeās et hastās raptant, et cum
agricolā ad pīrātārum nāviculam properant.
Tum agricola pīrātās vocat. "Ubi," inquit,
"est fīlia mea?"
Pīrātae, "Fīlia tua," inquiunt, "in nāviculā
nostrā est."
Tum agricola pecūniam multam pīrātīs dat. Pīrātae Iūliam ad
agricolae nāviculam portant.
Put these statements in the order in which they are first made
angry farmer
dinner not ready
getting a boat from the sailors
girl returned
grabbing a helmet
grabbing spears
hurrying to the sailors’ cottages.
no flowers on the table
ransom payment
rushing to the seashore
seeing a ship far away
terrified daughters
The daughters tell the farmer where Julia is.
The farmer asks his daughter where she is.
The farmer asks the pirates where his daughter is.
The pirates tells the farmer where his daughter is.
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