[I] Hodiē nārrō fābulam vēram, discipulī. Ōlim erat vir, nōmine Spartacus. Habitābat in Graeciā. Rōmānī cum Graecīs pugnābant. Rōmānī victōrēs erant. Spartacus, vir Graecus, ā Rōmānīs captus est. Spartacus captīvus erat, et ad Ītaliam ductus est. Tum erat servus in Ītaliā.
[II] Nunc, discipulī, Spartacus est gladiātor. Gladiātōrēs
in arēnā pugnant. Ergō, ūnō diē, Spartacus in arēnā pugnābat.
[III] Haec pictūra, discipulī, mōnstrat duōs gladiātōrēs,
Spartacus et alter gladiātor. Multī spectātōrēs ad arēnam veniunt. Volunt
vidēre gladiātōrēs pugnantēs. Sunt multī clāmōrēs et multī spectātōrēs.
Spectātōrēs sunt laetī. Sed gladiātōrēs sunt miserī. Nōlunt pugnāre. Nōlunt
esse mortuī. Necesse est gladiātōribus pugnāre ante spectātōrēs.
[IV] In arēnā Spartacus videt alterum gladiātōrem. Alter
gladiātor videt Spartacum. Ambulant in mediam arēnam et tum pugnant. Diū et
ferōciter duo gladiātōrēs pugnant. Alter gladiātor cadit ad terram. Spartacus
venit ad hunc gladiātōrem. Spartacus eum necat! Tandem Spartacus est victor.
Spartacus nunc est laetissimus quod est victor in arēnā. Multī spectātōrēs
congrātulātī sunt Spartacum.
[V] Mortuus gladiātor portātur ex arēnā. Et subitō galea
cadit. Spartacus spectat faciem alterīus gladiātōris. Ecce! Spartacus dīcit,
“Est amīcus meus! Ō mē miserum! Ego necāvī meum amīcum! Ego sum miserrimus!
Nōlō esse gladiātor nunc. Volō esse līber!”
Two word searches:
[1] Present, imperfect and perfect tense verbs
I am telling [a story]
(he) looks at
(he) says
(he) falls
(he) kills
(it) shows
(he) comes
(they) come
(they) fight
(they) walk
(he) was
(He) used to live
(they) were
(They) used to fight / were fighting
I have killed
ambulant; cadit; dīcit; erant; erat; habitābat; mōnstrat; narrō; necat; necāvī; pugnābant; pugnant; spectat; venit; veniunt
[2] verbs and other constructions that take an infinitive;
examples of passive verbs
I want to be
I don’t want to be
they want to see
they do not want to fight
they do not want to be
It is necessary to fight
(he) is (being) carried
(he) was captured
(he) was led
captus est; ductus est; necesse est pugnāre; nōlō esse; nōlunt esse; nōlunt pugnāre; portātur; volō esse; volunt vidēre
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