Thursday, November 14, 2024

03.02.25: Level 1; Julia, a Latin Reader (Reed) [5]

Complete the Latin text by using the translation and the vocabulary listed at the end.

clīvus, -ī [2/m]: slope; hill

iuvencus, -ī [2/m]: bullock

oppidānus, -ī [2/m]: resident of a town; usually plural i.e. oppidanī: townsfolk

vīnea, -ae [1/f]: vineyard

[1] The sky of Italy is blue. The Italians love the blue sky. The British also like the blue sky [= the blue sky is pleasing to the British], but the sky of Britain is not often blue.

___________ est Ītaliae caelum. Italī _______ caeruleum _______. Britannīs quoque caelum caeruleum _______ est, sed nōn ______ Britanniae caelum caeruleum est.

[2] The farmers of Italy praise the olives and vineyards, they plough the fields with white bullocks. The bullocks’ eyes are peaceful. The bullocks are gentle and beautiful. The farmers of Italy like the bullocks [= the bullocks are pleasing to the farmers…]

Ītaliae agricolae olīvās et vīneās _________, iuvencīs ______ agrōs _________. _________ sunt oculī iuvencōrum. Placidī et _________ sunt iuvencī. Ītaliae agricolīs ______ sunt iuvencī.

[3] The British farmers plough the fields not with bullocks but with horses. The large horses are strong and beautiful.

Britannicī agricolae ___ iuvencīs ___ equīs agrōs arant. _______ et pulchrī sunt equī ______.

[4] There are many hills in Italy. They build towns on small hills. The townsfolk live in towns on the hills. Vineyards and olives are in the field, towns on the hills.

In Ītaliā clīvī ______ sunt. Italī __ clīvīs _______ oppida _____________. Oppidānī oppida in clīvīs __________. In campō vīneae __ olīvae sunt, in clīvīs oppida.

[5] Roman roads are through the fields. Roman roads are long and straight. The townsfolk want / desire olives and grapes, the farmers money. Therefore, the townsfolk give money to the farmers, and the farmers carry the olives and grapes in wagons along the Roman roads to(wards) the towns.

___ campōs viae Rōmānae sunt. _______ et _______ sunt viae Rōmānae. Oppidānī olīvās et ūvās, agricolae pecūniam _____________. _______ oppidānī pecūniam agricolīs _____, et per viās Rōmānās agricolae olīvās et ūvās __ oppida in plaustrīs _________.

ad; aedificant; albīs; amant; arant; caelum; caeruleum; dant; dēsīderant; et; grātī; grātum; habitant; in; itaque; laudant; longae; magnī; multī; nōn; parvīs; per; placidī; portant; pulchrī; rēctae; saepe; sed; validī 

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