Friday, January 24, 2025

29.03.25: Level 2; grammar revision; verbs [1a]: first conjugation

Match the English with the Latin verbs in the word cloud; an example of a first conjugation verb in full is given for reference

  1. you (sg.) praise / are praising
  2. you (sg.) were praising / used to praise
  3. you (sg.) will praise
  4. you (sg.) (have) praised
  5. you (sg.) had praised
  6. you (sg.) will have praised
  7. you (sg.) are (being) praised
  8. you (sg.) were (being) praised
  9. you (sg.) will be praised
  10. you (masc. sg.) were / have been praised
  11. you (fem. sg.) were / have been praised
  12. you (masc. sg.) had been praised
  13. you (fem. sg.) had been praised
  14. you (masc. sg.) will have been praised
  15. you (fem. sg.) will have been praised 


laudāvistī; laudās; laudātus es; laudāveris; laudāverās; laudābāris; laudātus eris; laudāta es; laudātus erās; laudāris; laudāta eris; laudāta erās; laudābis; laudāberis; laudābās

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