Wednesday, April 3, 2024

23.02.24: A stranger in town …; asking for information; places in a town

Dīc mihi, … Tell me … [Literally: say to me…]

Dīc mihi, quaesō, … Tell me, please, … [quaesō: I ask, but, when you are speaking, it can translate as ‘please’]

Dīc mihi, quaesō, estne …? Tell me, please, is there …? [remember: -ne creates a question]

Dīc mihi, quaesō, estne macellum …? Tell me, please, is there a market …?

Dīc mihi, quaesō, estne macellum ¦ in vīcīnitāte? Tell me, please, is there a market in the neighbourhood?

Here are some places you would have found in Ancient Rome; how would you ask if there was one nearby?

  1. fluvius: river
  2. argentāria: banking-house; bank
  3. caupōna: inn; tavern
  4. laniēna: butcher’s shop
  5. piscina: swimming pool
  6. popīna: a place where food and drink were sold; cook-shop; eating-house
  7. taberna: shop
  8. taberna lībrāria: bookshop
  9. tōnstrīna: barber’s shop
  10. amphitheātrum: amphitheatre
  11. dēversōrium / hospitium : inn; lodging house
  12. forum: public place, marketplace
  13. forum boārium: cattle-market
  14. forum olitōrium: vegetable market
  15. forum piscātōrium: fish market
  16. macellum: food market
  17. pistrīnum: bakery
  18. templum: temple
  19. theātrum: theatre
  20. thermopōlium: place where food and hot drinks were sold, similar to a restaurant or café
  21. valētūdinārium: hospital

The images show [1] a bakery in Pompeii [2] Trajan's Market in Rome [3] a 'thermopolium' i.e. a fast-food restaurant long before McDonald's thought it up! [4] the fishmonger's at Ostia [5] a lady patiently waiting while the joint is cut in the butcher's

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