Wednesday, April 3, 2024

20.02.24: hic, haec, hoc [3]

These three words can also act as demonstrative adjectives i.e. like English 'this sword', 'this girl', 'this temple' and, as in English, they are written immediately before the noun.

hic gladius: this sword

haec puella: this girl

hoc templum: this temple

Quis est HIC? Who is this (person)? Who is he?

> Quis est HIC discipulus? Who is this pupil?

> HIC discipulus Mārcus est. This pupil is Marcus.

Quis est HAEC? Who is this (person)? Who is she?

> Quis est HAEC puella? Who is this girl?

> HAEC puella ancilla est. This girl is the maidservant.

Quid est HOC? Hoc est templum? What is this (thing) / it?

> HOC est templum. This / it is a temple.

Quid est HOC aedificium? What is this building?

> HOC aedificium est templum. This building is a temple.

Remember: the word may end in -a but refers to males and hic (masculine) will be used:

Quis est HIC poēta? Who is this poet?

> HIC poēta est Catullus. This poet is Catullus.

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