The following statements are false; correct them
- The author only has two friends.
- His friends live in Scotland.
- Currently they’re at school.
- His friends rarely visit him.
- They swim in the rough waves.
- They like ball games in the stadium.
- They like the castle opposite the beach
In numerō amīcōrum meōrum sunt duō puerī. Marcus, puer
quattuordecim annōrum, mihi praecipuus amīcus est. Prope Dubrās nunc habitant,
sed ex Calēdoniā oriundī sunt. Nōbīs puerīs fēriae nunc sunt; nam condiscipulī
sumus. Inter fēriās līberī sumus scholīs. Amīcī meī mē saepe vīsitant, et ego
amīcōs meōs vīsitō. Magna est inter nōs amīcitia. Ūnā ambulāmus, ūnā in undīs
spūmiferīs natāmus, cum nōn nimis asperae sunt. Quantopere nōs puerōs lūdī
pilārum in arēnā dēlectant! Ut iuvat castella contrā undās spūmiferās
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