Saturday, July 20, 2024

27.08.24: the present active participle [9]; declension [7]; other cases; Androclus et leō [2]

fera, -ae [1/f]: wild animal

lambō, -ere, lambī [3]: lick

mordeō, -ēre, momordī [2]: bite

osculō, -āre, -āvī [1]: kiss

parcō, -ere, pepercī [3]: spare; have mercy (for); the verb is followed by the dative case

sagīna, -ae [1/f]: (here) prey

scelestus, -a, -um: wicked; a wicked person

tergum, -ī [2/n]: back

trucīdō, -āre, -āvī [1]: slaughter


  1. Where does this second scene take place? [1 point]
  2. What three groups of people are to be thrown to the lions? [3 points]
  3. What does the third spectator shout? [2 points]
  4. Why does Androcles say ‘O mē miserum’? [5 points]: [i] Nunc [ii] ā leōne fugiō. [iii] Semper [iv] ab aliquō fugiō. Sed [v] iam fessus sum.
  5. Why does Androcles ask the lion to spare him? [1 point]
  6. In your own words, explain why the lion spares him. [3 points]
  7. What does the lion tell Androcles to do? [1 point]
  8. Where does the lion take him? [3 points]: Nunc ¦ [i] ex arēnā ¦ tē portō …  (Sīc ¦ [ii] per portam Circī ¦ Androclus et leō ¦ [iii] in viās ¦ effugiunt.)

[B] Find the Latin:

  1. Androcles, fleeing from the lion
  2. the first specator shouting out
  3. the lion chasing away Androclus / making Androclus flee
  4. I don’t see the lion eating but kissing the slave
  5. I hear one lion slaughtering…I see another lion biting
  6. I see the guards throwing the thieves into the arena
  7. I see the lion chasing away the slave / making the slave flee
  8. I see the lions entering
  9. I see the slave fleeing
  10. It runs at the guards who flee in fear 

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