Sunday, September 1, 2024

07.10.24: Level 1; Maxey [15] (3): paragraphs [iii] and [iv]; reading and vocabulary

[iii] Post mīlitēs castra vidēmus. Equōs et frūmentum vidēmus. Hī equī aliōs mīlitēs portant. Alia tēla portant. Nunc est nūllum perīculum. Mox mīlitēs pugnant et tum est magnum perīculum. Post bellum multī mīlitēs sunt dēfessī et domī esse cupiunt. Dux quoque est dēfessus. Dux bonus semper cōnsilia bona habet. Mīlitēs cōnsilia bona ducis semper laudant, sed cōnsilia mala nōn laudant. Dux impiger cōnsilia mala nōn laudat. Dux impiger cōnsilia bona semper habet. Bellum est periculōsum ubi cōnsilia ducis sunt mala.

  1. Where is the camp? [2]
  2. What two other things do they see? [2]
  3. What two things do the horses do? [2]
  4. What do the soldiers soon do? [1]
  5. How do they feel after the war? [1]
  6. Where do they want to be? [1]
  7. Who else is tired? [1]
  8. What is the characteristic of a good commander? [2]
  9. When is a war dangerous? [2]

[iv] Nunc nōn est nox. Nūlla quiēs est in terrā. Virī et fēminae labōrant. Mārcus nōn legit sed ad stabulum ubi equus stat ambulat. In stabulō Mārcus equō albō frūmentum dat. Tum in hortum puer et equus properant. Equus puerum ad flōrēs, rosās et līlia, portat. “Ego sum dux Rōmānus,” inquit puer, “et arma capiō. Gladium et ūnum scūtum portō. Galeam habeō et in tabernāculō sunt duo pila quae nunc nōn portō. Mīlitēs meī mē laudant quod cōnsilia bona habeō.” Māter vocat. Puer et equus domum properant. Post cēnam colloquium, quod armīs et bellō est, longum et grātum est.

Complete the translation with the words listed below:

It isn’t __________ now. There’s no  __________ in the land. Men and women are  __________. Marcus isn’t  __________ but  __________ to the stable where the horse is  __________. In the stable Marcus  __________ grain to the  __________ horse. Then the boy and the horse  __________ into the garden. The horse  __________ the boy to the  __________, the roses and the lilies. “I am a Roman  __________,”  __________ the boy “and I  __________ weapons. I’m  __________ a sword and one shield. I have a  __________ and in the  __________ are two javelins  __________ I’m not carrying now. My  __________ praise me  __________ I have good  __________.” Mother is  __________. The boy and the horse hurry  __________.  __________ dinner the conversation, because it is  __________ weapons and war, is long and  __________.

about; after; because; calling; carries; carrying; commander; flowers; gives; helmet; home; hurry; night; peace; plans; pleasing; reading; says; soldiers; standing; take up; tent; walking; which; white; working

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