[i] Nox est et quiēs est in terrā. Hiems est. Mārcus, puer Americānus, sōlus est in casā quod māter et pater ad oppidum iērunt. Diū legit. Dē multīs terrīs legit. Hanc fābulam, quae de Rōmānīs antīquīs nārrātur, saepe Mārcus in scholā audīvit. In pictūrā est vir quī mīles Rōmānus est. Ad bellum properat. Est mīles validus et magnus quī arma Rōmāna portat. Sōlus est. Multī aliī mīlitēs quī in pictūrā nōn videntur ad bellum ambulant quod bellum est magnum. Ibi sunt castra Rōmāna ubi noctū mīlitēs manent. Hīc quoque manent ubi in bellō nōn pugnant. Mīlitēs interdum ā castrīs properant et ad bellum eunt.
Choose the correct statement:
[1] It’s a …
(a) cold winter’s night.
(b) quiet winter’s day.
(c) quiet winter’s evening.
(d) quiet winter’s night.
(a) Marcus and his parents are at
(b) Marcus and an American boy
are at home.
(c) Marcus is alone at home.
(d) Marcus has gone to town.
[3] Marcus is …
(a) spending a long time reading.
(b) reading a lengthy book.
(c) sitting on the ground
(d) reading about a country.
(a) The story was written by a
(b) Marcus has heard this story
(c) The Romans often write
ancient stories.
(d) Marcus is going to hear this
story at school.
[5] The story is about a Roman
soldier …
(a) fighting in a battle
(b) riding towards the battle
(c) hurrying to battle
(d) fighting with weapons
(a) There are other soldiers in
the picture.
(b) The soldiers always stay in
the camp.
(c) The soldiers never fight.
(d) The soldiers sometimes leave
the camp.
[ii] Hic mīles Rōmānus quī est
dux mīlitum arma bona portat. Quae sunt haec arma? Hic est gladius validus.
Gladius nōn est longus. Nōn est lātus. Scūtum quoque capit. Scūtum ducem
tegit ubi bellum est periculōsum. Pīlum habet. Hoc pīlum est longum et validum
sed nōn est lātum. Galea quoque ducem tegit. Galeam et scūtum et gladium et
pīlum Mārcus videt et laudat. Haec arma mīlitēs bene tegunt. Quod hic mīles est
dux, bellum nōn timet. Perīculum nōn timet.
[1] In which order are these weapons
and pieces of armour first mentioned?
helmet; javelin; sword; shield
[2] Which phrase completes the
description of each weapon …
the sword is …
the javelin is …
long and narrow │ long and sharp
│ short and narrow │strong and wide
[3] From paragraphs [i] and
Find the Latin:
(he) carries; (he) does not fear;
(he) has; (he) holds; (he) hurries; (he) praises; (he) reads; (he) sees; (it)
(they) don’t fight; (they)
protect; (they) stay
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