Image: if you’re studying Latin, it’s a good plan to have a sense of humour; eat your heart out, Sesame Street.
The Cat in the Hat
Let’s take him apart
Let’s look at the grammary
This’s and thats
Let’s look at the things
That we’ve done since the start
Some who-words and do-words
We must know by heart
The when, what and where words, the how’s and the why’s
The words with the em’s, and the oom’s and the i’s
And here’s a surprise -
The verb endings tell you “it’s we or it’s it!”
And you’ll get to like them -
Maybe a bit.
Cattus petasātus
Imber tōtum diem fluit │ The rain’s been pouring the whole
Urceātim semper pluit. │ It always rains in buckets.
Taedet intus nōs manēre: │ It bores us to stay inside:
Numquam potest sōl splendēre │ The sun can never shine
Dēsidēsque sīc sedēmus, │ And thus we sit idle at home
Nec rīdēmus, nec gaudēmus. │ We neither laugh nor rejoice
** Fore fīnem quiēscendī / Mihi spēs est et sedendī. │ I
have the hope that there will be an end to resting and sitting **
Frīgus vetat forās īre, │ The cold forbids (us) from going
Caelum vetat lascīvīre. │ The sky / weather forbids (us)
from having fun
Domī sumus quiēscentēs, │ We are at home, resting
Nīl omnīnō facientēs. │ Doing nothing at all.
There’s a lot in there; the only line I won’t look at is marked ** because it contains two points of grammar which need a lot of study and will be discussed in later posts.
2nd declension nouns
- cattus, -ī [2/m]: cat
- caelum, -ī [2/n] sky; can also refer to weather
3rd declension nouns
- fīnis, -is [/f]: end; finish
- frīgus, frīgoris [n]: cold
- imber, imbris [m]: rain
- sōl, -is [m]: sun
5th declension nouns
- diēs, diēī [m / f]: day
- spēs, speī [f]: hope
1st conjugation verbs
- vetō, -āre: forbid
2nd conugation verbs
- gaudeō, -ēre : rejoice
- maneō, -ēre: stay
- rideō, -ēre: laugh
- splendeō, -ēre: shine
3rd conjugation verbs
- fluō, -ere: flow; pour
- quiescō, -ere: rest
- faciō, -ere [3-iō]: do
4th conjugation verbs
- lasciviō, -īre: be “frisky”
Irregular verbs
- eō, ire: go
- sum, esse: to be
- possum, posse: to be able
3rd declension adjective
- dēses, dēsidis: idle
- faciēns, facientis > facientēs: doing
- quiēscēns, quiēscentis > quiēscentēs: resting
- forās: outdoors
- intus: inside
- nec … nec: neither … nor …
- numquam: never
- omnīnō: completely; entirely
- semper: always
- sīc: thus; in this way
Other points:
[i] domī: at home; locative case
[ii] These two lines are impersonal expressions which don’t
refer to a subject; English translates these using ‘it’, referring to nothing
or nobody in particular
- taedet nōs: it bores us
- urceātim pluit: it rains in buckets
[iii] the accusative case used to indicate for how long
something happens
- tōtum diem: for the whole day
[iv] nil = nihil: nothing
[v] -que: added to the end of a word: and
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