Sunday, September 1, 2024

08.10.24: Level 2; Ordinal numbers – all forms [4]; 100th – 1000th

The same ending -ēsimus is used for the ordinals of the multiples of 100 - 900

Compare these ordinal numbers. 30th and 70th end in -ēnsimus whereas 300th and 700th end in -ēsimus; they are easy to misread. However, note that the multiples of 100 retain the /t/ of centum from which they are formed:

Image #1: If you’re looking at post-Classical texts or inscriptions, you may find the year expressed in [i] Roman numerals [ii] Arabic numerals or [iii] written out in full. Here’s a killer manuscript from Padua; look at the last four lines …


In the [1]  one thousandth [2] four hundreth [3] thirtieth [4] sixth year ¦ of the Lord

Every part of the year is expressed in ordinal numbers agreeing with annō in the ablative case. Life would have been easier if he had written 1436 – but he didn’t! That there is virtually no space between the words isn’t exactly user-friendly either, but if you want to get into the manuscripts, that’s what you have to face.

Below are years from the first Millennium AD i.e. according to Christian calculation. Years before 1000 obviously will comprise of a maximum of three parts: hundred, tens, units and so, if you see a three figure year, then focus on the beginning of the number rather than worrying about the ending:


In the [1] one hundredth [2] twentieth [3] seventh year of the Lord = 127AD

Match the years in Latin with the numerical equivalents listed below.

[1] anno Domini quingentesimo undecimo


[2] anno Domini nongentesimo tricesimo tertio


[3] anno Domini centesimo vigesimo primo


[4] anno Domini ducentesimo tricesimo octavo


[5] anno Domini septingentesimo sexagesimo septimo


[6] anno Domini sescentesimo quinquagesimo sexto


[7] anno Domini nongentesimo septuagesimo


[8] anno Domini centesimo octogesimo quinto


[9] anno Domini quingentesimo decimo octavo


[10] anno Domini octingentesimo quinto decimo


[11] anno Domini ducentesimo septuagesimo tertio


[12] anno Domini sescentesimo tertio


[13] anno Domini quadringentesimo nonagesimo


[14] anno Domini octingentesimo octogesimo primo


[15] anno Domini trecentesimo octavo


[16] anno Domini trecentesimo nonagesimo quinto, usque ad quadringentesimum quadragesimum

______ to ______

121 AD; 185 AD; 238 AD; 273 AD; 308 AD; 395 AD; 440 AD; 490 AD; 511 AD; 518 AD; 603 AD; 656 AD; 767 AD; 815 AD; 881 AD; 933 AD; 970 AD

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