Thursday, September 12, 2024

23.10.24: Level 1; review; practice in the verbs [7]; 2nd conjugation

habēre [2] │ to have

habeō │I have

habēs │you (sg.) have

habet │he / she / it has

habēmus │we have

habētis │you (pl.) have

habent │they have

[A] Look at the pattern:

Dux: Habēsne scūtum? │ Do you have a shield?

Mīles: Scūtum nōn habeō. │ I don’t have a shield.

Omnēs: Scūtum nōn habet.│ He doesn’t have a shield.

Do the same three part dialogue using the following nouns; don’t forget that the nouns will be in the accusative case because they are the direct object of the verb habeō, -ēre [2]: have

[2] hasta

Dux: __________ hast___?

Mīles: Nōn __________ hast___.

Omnēs: Hast___ nōn __________.

Similarly: [3] sagitta [4] galea [5] gladius [6] lōrīca (breastplate)


  1. __________ne magistrō? │ Are you replying to the teacher?
  2. Magistrō nōn __________. │ I’m not replying to the teacher.
  3. Discipulī magistrō __________. │ The pupils are replying to the teacher.
  4. Quis discipulōs __________? │ Who is frightening the pupils?
  5. __________ne librōs vestrōs, discipulī? │ Do you have your books, pupils?
  6. Librōs nostrōs __________, ō magister. │ We have our books, teacher.
  7. Quem __________, ō discipule? │ Whom do you fear [= are you afraid of], pupil?
  8. Te __________, magister. │ I’m afraid of you, teacher.
  9. Discipulus magistrum __________ quod librum non __________. │ The pupil fears the teacher because he doesn’t have a book.

habēmus; habet; habētis; respondent; respondeō; respondēs; terrent; timeō; timēs; timet


  1. Cūr in Ītaliā __________? │ Why aren’t you staying in Italy?
  2. In Ītaliā __________. │ We’re staying in Italy.
  3. In Ītaliā __________. │ I’m staying in Italy.
  4. __________ in Ītaliā? │ Are you (sg.) staying Italy?
  5. __________ in Ītaliā, barbarī? │ Are you staying in Italy, barbarians?
  6. Mārcus in Ītaliā __________. │ Marcus isn’t staying in Italy.
  7. Nōnne in Ītaliā __________? │ Surely you’re staying in Italy [= You’re staying in Italy, aren’t you?]
  8. Quis in Ītaliā __________? │ Who is staying in Italy?
  9. Rōmānī in oppidō __________. │ The Romans are staying in the town.
  10. Ubi __________, barbarī? │ Where are you staying, barbarians?

manēmus; manent; maneō; manēs; mānēsne; manet; manētis; manētisne; nōn manēs; nōn manet


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